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- Some Aspects of the Biology of Highfin Spotted Catfish Parauchenoglanis altipinnis (Boulenger, 1911) in Ogbese River, Southwest, Nigeria
- Opportunities of Adopting and Significance of Freshwater Fish Powder Based Biscuit: A Review
- Determination of Seasonal Occurrence of Camallanus sp. and Ligula intestinalis on Fresh Usipa, Engraulicypris sardella from Selected Mzuzu Markets, Malawi
- Carrageenan Content in Three Species of Hypnea (H. musciformis Wulfen J. V. Lamouroux, H. pannosa J. Agardh and H. valentiae Turner Montagne) of Karachi Coast
- Level of Bacterial and Heavy Metals Pollution in Rivers Located in Al-Qurna City, Basrah, Iraq
- Microbial Quality Assessment of Open Sun and Solar Tent Dried Barbus paludinosus in Lake Chilwa Basin
- Efficacy of Handmade Feed on Growth Performance of Thai Pangus (pangasius hypophthalmus)
- New Strategy toward Sustainable Livelihoods in Coastal Fisheries-How Japanese Experiences Could Be Applied to Southeast Asia?
- Discerning Coastal Ecotourism in Bira Island
- Vertebral Anomalies in Mullus barbatus (Actinopterygiidae: Osteichthyes: Mullidae), Collected from Izmir Bay, North-eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey
- Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of African Big Barb Labeobarbus intermedius (Rüppell, 1836) in Ethiopian Freshwater Bodies: A Review
- Serum Biochemistry Reference Intervals of Clarias gariepinus Farmed in Earthen Pond Systems in the Southern Guinea Savanna Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria
- Use of the Mediterranean Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 from Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea as Bio-monitor
- Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Zooplanktons from Iraqi National Waters
- Some Osteological Studies of Coptodon zillii (Gervais 1848) and Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner 1864) Collected Shatt al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq
- Morphometric and Meristic Characters of Two Cichlids, Coptodon zillii and Oreochromis aureus Collected from Shatt al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq
- Evaluating Morphological Asymmetry in Three Species of the Genus Hydrocynus from the White Nile in Sudan
- Gracilaria sp Seaweed Cultivation with Net Floating Method in Traditional Shrimp Pond in the Dungun River of Marga Sungsang Village of Banyuasin District, South Sumatera
- Some Metal Elements Concentration in Malletia cumingii (Hanley, 1860) (Bivalvia) in Okpon River, Cross River State, Nigeria
- Stock Assessment of Heavybeak Parrotfish Scarus gibbus (Ruppell, 1829) (Family: Scaridae) off Tuticorin Coast, India (08°53.6’N, 78°16’E and 08°53.8’N, 78°32’E) – 36M
- Variation of the Structure of the Intertidal Fish Community of the Pacific Coast of Baja California Sur, México
- The Epialtid Crab: Hyastenus hilgendorfi (De Man, 1887) A New Spider Crab Record from Iraqi Coast, NW-Arabian Gulf
- Evaluation of Gut Associated Extracellular Enzyme-producing and Pathogen Inhibitory Microbial Community as Potential Probiotics in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
- Reproductive Characteristics of Leuciscus vorax (Heckel, 1843) from Al-Huwaiza Marshes Southern Iraq
- Contribution of Vegetation Structure on Carbon Assimilation Capacity of Mangrove Ecosystem: A Case Study from Negombo Estuary, Sri Lanka
- First Records of Leucosiid Crabs: Hiplyra sagitta (Galil, 2009) from Iraqi Coast, NW-Arabian Gulf
- Variation of the Fish Community Associated with Soft Bottoms in a Coastal Lagoon on the Pacific Side of B.C.S, México
- Pedunculate Barnacle Octolasmis (Cirripedia, Thoracica) on the Gills of Two Species of Portunid Crabs
- Epiphytic and Ice-ice Diseases of Seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii and its Effect on Growth Rate and Carrageenan Quality
- Diversity and Biology of Fishes in the River Debbis, Ethiopia