Faris J. M. Al-Imarah, Talib A. Khalaf, Shaker G. Ajeel, Abdullah Y. Khudhair, Ramiz Saad
International Journal of Marine Science, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 3
Khaled K.S. Al-Khafaji, Ibtisam M. Abdul-Sahib, Shaker G. Ajeel
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 22
Khaled K.S. Al-Khafaji, Ibtisam M. Abdul-Sahib, Shaker G. Ajeel
International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 49
Shaker G. Ajeel
International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 8
Shaker G. Ajeel
International Journal of Marine Science, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 58