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The document has moved here. A pilot test of CrossMark is underway now | A Bioscience Publishing Platform
A pilot test of CrossMark is underway now
Published:13 Jun.2011    Source:BioPublisher

The CrossMark service will be an optional service that CrossRef provides to its members distinguishing published scholarly content. It is in a pilot stage now. Four publishers are working to apply CrossMark logos to content from selected publications, in some cases with support from their technology vendors. An additional three publishers have agreed to join the pilot in a second phase. CrossRef expects that examples from pilot publishers will be visible on their live web sites within the month.

An article in the April issue of Learned Publishing provides background and a complete description of the CrossMark service (See http://dx.doi.org/10.1087/20110202).

To learn more about CrossMark, you can attend the upcoming Introduction to CrossMark Webinar. The webinar will take place on Thursday June 16, 2011 at 11:00 am EDT (Register here).