Is Natural Selection Against Offsprings of Older Mothers?
Published:06 Aug.2020    Source:WHOI

A study published in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences has explained what they have termed as, the maternal effect senescence. This effect falls under a bigger concept of reproductive senescence, which is widely seen in almost all species of animals.


The exact mechanism of Maternal Effect Senescence is not known and neither does enough literature exist to clarify the mechanism behind it. However, in the above-mentioned study performed by Kristin Gribble of the Marine Biological Laboratory and Christina Hernández of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the researchers have aimed to improve our understanding of this effect which affects all species, animals, humans and plants alike.
Researchers, after studying rotifers, concluded that all species underwent this effect as part of their evolution. Specifically, the study demonstrated that natural selection affected these offsprings by reducing the fertility of mothers during peak years.