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Surf's Up (and Don't Mind the Sharks)
Published:07 Nov.2022    Source:ScienceDaily
In a new study from the University of South Australia, researchers found that 60 per cent of surfers are not afraid of sharks when surfing, despite more than half of them spotting a shark when out in the water.It's an interesting finding, particularly given people's general fascination and fear of sharks, but  it's a step in the right direction when it comes to shark conservation.
People have long feared sharks -- not surprisingly given the hype generated from modern shark movies.But exaggerated depictions of sharks have unfairly influenced people and as a result, have damaged shark conservation efforts.Surfers are frequent ocean users, so they're in a unique position to change these perceptions.Anecdotally, we know that surfers understand the role sharks play in ocean health and, for the most part, believe that shark conservation is good.But the relationship between surfers and sharks is complex and has not been widely researched, so understanding their interactions is an important step in shark conservation and management policies.

Globally, 100 million sharks are killed each year with a quarter of shark species threatened by extinction.The study will help to change people's negative perceptions of sharks.When we step into the ocean, we step into their environment. We all need to be appropriately informed to ensure a logical balance between safety and conservation.