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Shark Shock: Scientists Discover Filter-feeding Basking Sharks are Warm-bodied Like Great Whites
Published:15 Aug.2023    Source:Trinity College Dublin
Approximately 99.9% of fish and shark species are "cold-blooded," meaning their body tissues generally match the temperature of the water they swim in -- but researchers have just discovered the mighty basking shark is a one-in-a-thousand exception. Instead, these sharks keep the core regions of their bodies warmer than the water like the most athletic swimmers in the sea such as great white sharks, mako sharks and tuna. The latter examples are so-called "regional endotherms" and are all fast swimming, apex predators at the top of the food chain. Scientists have long reasoned that their ability to keep warm helped with this athletic predatory lifestyle, and that evolution had shaped their physiology to match their requirements. However, an international team of researchers led by those from Trinity College Dublin, has now shown that gentle, plankton-feeding basking sharks are also regional endotherms despite having very different lifestyles to white sharks and tunas. This surprising discovery has implications for conservation, as well as raising a plethora of ecological and evolutionary questions.
To make the discovery, the research team (including scientists from University of Pretoria, Marine Biological Association, Queen's University Belfast, Zoological Society of London, University of Southampton, and Manx Basking Shark Watch) first undertook dissections of dead basking sharks that washed up in Ireland and the UK. They found that the sharks have cruise-swimming muscles located deep inside their bodies as seen in white sharks and tunas; in most fish this "red" muscle is instead found toward the outside of the animals. They also discovered basking sharks have strong muscular hearts that probably help generate high blood pressures and flows. Most fish species have relatively "spongy" hearts, whereas basking shark hearts are more typical of the regional endotherm species.

Next, the team designed a new low-impact tagging method to record body temperature of free-swimming basking sharks off the coast of Co Cork, Ireland. Researchers were able get close enough to 8 m basking sharks to safely deploy the tags, which recorded muscle temperature just under the skin for up to 12 hours before they automatically detached from the animals and were collected by the researchers. These tags revealed that basking shark muscles are consistently elevated above water temperatures, and to almost exactly the same extent as their regionally-endothermic predatory cousins.