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Whales Around the World Play With Kelp Clumps
Published:22 Nov.2023    Source:Griffith University
A new article has analyzed another understudied behavior in baleen (filter-feeding) whales such as humpback whales in different populations across the northern and southern hemispheres. They appeared to roll around and 'play' with clumps of kelp and seaweed at the water's surface. The research, published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, also emphasises that the behaviour was similar in different individuals, regardless of where in the world it occurred.
Dr Meynecke analysed three instances of "kelping" on the east coast of Australia derived from aerial observations, as well as 100 documented interactions with seaweed from around the world. These interactions included 163 baleen whales, with humpback whales the most prevalent (95 separate events), gray whales (2), southern right whales (2) and northern right whales (1). Adults formed the largest group of documented interactions (53%), then calves (14%), subadults (1%), and unidentified sizes (32%).

"There are two plausible theories: play and/or self-medication with seaweed. This behaviour may be playful but could also serve additional benefits in the context of learning and socialising, as well as ectoparasite removal and skin treatment by using brown algae's antibacterial properties." Dr Meynecke said.