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Shifting Nesting Timing not Enough to Prevent Fewer Sea Turtle Hatchlings
Published:01 Jan.2024    Source:Florida State University

New research led by a Florida State University professor shows that potential adaptive responses by sea turtles, such as shifting the timing of when they nest, may not be enough to counteract the projected impacts from climate change on hatchling production. Warmer temperatures cause lower hatchling success and a greater percentage of female turtles, both of which can disrupt the viability of a species. Sand temperatures at sea turtle nesting sites globally are projected to increase by about 0.6 degrees Celsius to about 4.2 degrees Celsius by 2100.

To examine how sea turtles might cope with higher temperatures, researchers with the study, led by Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science Associate Professor Mariana Fuentes, gathered data from 24 nesting sites across the world used by four species of sea turtles: green, loggerhead, hawksbill and olive ridley turtles. They used their data to predict how turtles might shift the timing of nesting and what hatchling success they might expect. The research was published today in Global Change Biology.
Because temperature is so important to sea turtle egg incubation, scientists have long studied them for insight into how wildlife might adapt as temperatures rise. Different sea turtle species have existed for millions of years and adapted to previous changes in the Earths' climate, but the rate of change is much faster now. Researchers did not examine population viability in this study, but if fewer hatchlings are being produced, in 100 years there will be some locations that have lower hatchling productivity.