Preliminary Studies on the Optimum Feeding Rate for Pirarucu Arapaima gigas Juveniles Reared in Floating Cages 

2. National Department of Works against Droughts – DNOCS, 62640-000, Pentecoste – CE, Brazil
3. Higher Institute for Applied Theology – INTA, 62011-230, Sobral – CE, Brazil
4. Department of Fishing Engineering, Campus do Pici, Federal University of Ceará, 60455-760, Fortaleza – CE, Brazil

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 25 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0025
Received: 22 Aug., 2013 Accepted: 22 Sep., 2013 Published: 07 Oct., 2013
Oliveira et al., 2013, Preliminary Studies on the Optimum Feeding Rate for Pirarucu Arapaima gigas Juveniles Reared in Floating Cages, International Journal of Aquaculture, Vol.3, No.25 147-151 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0025)
This study aimed at testing the feeding rates on growth performance of pirarucu juveniles, Arapaima gigas, reared in cages. A 210-day experiment was conducted in four cages installed at the Pereira de Miranda reservoir (Pentecoste, Ceará, Brazil). Pirarucu juveniles (1550.0±85.0 g and 59.2±1.15 cm) were stocked at 40 fish/cage and fed four times a day with a commercial extruded feed with 40% crude protein. Fish were fed at rates of 2.0% and 3.0% body weight/day during the experiment. Growth performance was investigated in a designed experiment employing two different feeding rates and each treatment had two replicate cages. Survival was high and not significantly affected by feeding rate. Mean survival rate ranged between 91.2±1.2 and 92.5±2.5%. Feeding rate not affect significantly final mean length (89.8±3.2 to 88.7±3.5 cm), final mean weight (6800.0±170.0 to 6680.0±420.0 g) and production (46.8±0.7 to 46.0±1.2 kg/m), but FCR was significantly affected by feeding rate. Feed conversion rates were 4.32±0.08 and 2.82±0.09 for fish fed with 3% and 2% body weight/day, respectively. Therefore, the data obtained suggest that pirarucu juveniles with weight ranged from 1550.0±85.0 to 6800.0±170.0 g could be fed with feeding rate of 2.0% body weight/day.
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. Manuella Gazzineo de Moraes

. Rommel Rocha de Sousa

. Francisco Hiran Farias Costa

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