Research Article

Reproductive Biology of Keeled Fish Liza Carinata (Valenciennes, 1836) from Suez Bay, Egypt  

Amira Salah El-Din Hefny1 , Osama Ahmad Abass2 , Magdy M. El-halfawy1 , Mohamed A. Abu El-Regal3 , Amal M. Ramadan1
1 Fish Reproduction and Breeding Lab., Aquaculture Division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Suez, Egypt
2 Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt
3 Marine Science Department, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 5   doi: 10.5376/ija.2016.06.0005
Received: 22 Mar., 2016    Accepted: 12 May, 2016    Published: 07 Nov., 2016
© 2016 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Hefny A.S E., Abass O.A., Elhalfawy M.M., El-Regal M.A.A., and Ramadan A.M., 2016, Reproductive Biology of Keeled Fish Liza carinata (Valenciennes, 1836) from Suez Bay, Egypt, International Journal of Aquaculture, 6(21): 1-15 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2016.06.0005)


To study the reproductive biology of liza carinata, living samples of this species were collected during the period from November 2012 to October 2013 in Suez Bay. The length weight relationship for female and male was almost strong, but female shows more strong relationship than male. The relation of female was W= 0.012L2.946 (R =0.8745) and for male was W = 0.034L2.569 (R= 0.8024 which indicate that females of L. carinata were isometric growth but males were allometric growth. The minimum and maximum length was recorded for all individuals were (10.5-18.2 cm). Reproductive characteristics of Liza carinata showed that the male reaches first sexual maturity smaller than the female at a total body length of 12.5 cm and 14.3 cm, respectively. Overall sex ratio is 1: 0.97 for males to females. Estimation of GSI and HSI was carried out during the period of collection to determine the spawning behaviour of L. carinata. The gonado-somatic index of males was lower than that of females. Where, the maximum GSI values were recorded in December 8.883 % and 5.788 % for females and males, respectively. The maximum condition factor (K) values was (1.23) in September and (1.21) in August for female and male, respectively. The maturity stages of male and female Liza carinata are morphologically separated according to the changes in shape, size and colour of the gonad in different successive stages. These stages are immature, immature & recovering, developing, maturing, mature, spawning and spent stages. The absolute fecundity of the present species ranged from 24500 to 115258 eggs for fishes in the size ranging from 14 to 18.3 cm in total length. Different points of view which take place in this work show that of the spawning season of Liza arinata in Suez which may be extending from November to March for females and males.

Liza carinata; Length-weight; Reproductive biology; Suez Bay
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International Journal of Aquaculture
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. Amira Salah El-Din Hefny
. Osama Ahmad Abass
. Magdy M. El-halfawy
. Mohamed A. Abu El-Regal
. Amal M. Ramadan
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. Liza carinata
. Length-weight
. Reproductive biology
. Suez Bay
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