Molecular Characterization of Economically Important Penaeid Population in South East Coast of India 
2 Department of Zoology and Research Centre, Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil 629003, Tamil Nadu, India

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 19 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0019
Received: 07 Jun., 2013 Accepted: 27 Jun., 2013 Published: 03 Jul., 2013
Rajakumaran, 2013, Molecular Characterization of Economically Important Penaeid Population in South East Coast of India, International Journal of Aquaculture, Vol.3, No.19 105-114 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013. 03.0019)
Genetic variation of wild Penaeid populations of South East Coast region in India, using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis as DNA marker has been examined. Important penaeid species like Fenneropenaeus indicus, Penaeus semisulcatus, Penaeus monodon were collected atdifferent geographical location such as Chennai, Nagapattinam, Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram and Tuticorin, but P. monodon was not obtained from Tuticorin. For RAPD analysis, 15 numbers of primers were used, among which 3, 4, and 6 numbers of primers have worked well for F. indicus, P. semisulcatus and P. monodon respectively. The results of this study, genetic variation (6- 33)% for F. indicus, (16-49)% for P. semisulcatus (16- 53)% for P. monodon. As conclusion, from the pattern of genetic diversity of these three penaeid populations, it could be considered as moderate to high, and maximum three population stocks are within the collected area.
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. P. Rajakumaran

. B. Vaseeharan

. V. Anita Yeshvadha

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. Penaeid


. DNA Marker

. Polymorphism

. Population stock

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