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International Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 21 doi: 10.5376/ija.2013.03.0021
Received: 09 Jun., 2013 Accepted: 27 Jun., 2013 Published: 09 Jul., 2013
Francisca, 2013, Production of Clarias Gariepinus Fingerlings in Recirculating Systems, International Journal of Aquaculture, Vol.3, No.21 117-125 (doi: 10.5376/ija.2013. 03.0021)
Fingerling productions using recirculating system of fish pond, powered with electricity and solar panelsas power sources were carried out. Plumbing work was carried out for installation of pipes and accessories that helped in water circulation inside and outside the pond and treatment tank. Oxygen pump with air stones was installed and air stones placed in each pond to aerate the ponds continuously. The dimensions of treatment tank which was constructed with concrete were (3.4×1×1.5) m. There were four compartments in the water treatment tank each measuring (1×0.6×1.25) m. Procurements of biofilters that were arranged inside the treatment tank in the following order; bioblocks, biobrush, Maifan stones, coral sand, ceramic ring, activated charcoal and UV light. The results of the microbial analysis of the recirculating system water samples were (2.2×103±200) cfu/mL, (6.8×103±10) cfu/mL and (1.8×103±10)cfu/mL for solar powered pump water, electric powered pump water, and UV treated waste water (outlet water) respectively. Oxygen values were 9.4±1.6, 6.2±0.20, 5.7±0.20, 7.2±0.15 for inlet, solar powered fish pond, electric powered fish pond and UV treated water respectively; dissolved oxygen was between 5.7 mg/L to 9.4 mg/L. Survival % was high for both systems.
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. Oparaku Nkiruka Francisca
. B.O. Mgbenka
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. Recirculating system
. Clarias gariepinus
. Power sources
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