Research Insight

Nonlinear Mechanisms of Oceanic Wave and Mixing Processes  

May H. Wang
Hainan Institute of Biotechnology, Haikou, 570206, Hainan, China
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 4   doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0030
Received: 12 Jun., 2024    Accepted: 31 Jul., 2024    Published: 15 Aug., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
Preferred citation for this article:

Wang M.H., 2024, Nonlinear mechanisms of oceanic wave and mixing processes, International Journal of Marine Science, 14(4): 266-274 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0030)


Nonlinear processes in ocean dynamics play a critical role in wave propagation, energy transfer, and internal wave and mixing processes. Traditional linear models have limitations in explaining many phenomena in oceanic wave and mixing processes, such as wave breaking, nonlinear energy transfer, and the complex propagation behavior of internal waves. By analyzing wave-current interactions, the generation and propagation of internal waves, and turbulence-induced nonlinear mixing, this study aims to deepen the understanding of these complex phenomena and explore their impacts on climate prediction and marine ecosystems. The study seeks to provide a theoretical basis for further revealing key processes in oceanic environmental changes.

Nonlinear processes; Ocean dynamics; Wave propagation; Internal waves; Turbulent mixing
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. May H. Wang
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. Nonlinear processes
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