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Research Article

Growth Aspects of Giant Mantis Shrimp Harpiosquilla raphidea Fabricius, 1798 Banten Bay Waters, Banten Province  

Mugi Mulyono1 , Mufti Petala  Patria2 , Abinawanto 2 , Ridwan  Affandi3 , Firman Agus  Heriyansyah1
1 Jakarta Fisheries University, Jakarta, 12520, Indonesia
2 Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia
3 Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Kampus FPIK-IPB,Darmaga,Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Marine Science, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 32   doi: 10.5376/ijms.2016.06.0032
Received: 25 Apr., 2016    Accepted: 20 Sep., 2016    Published: 20 Sep., 2016
© 2016 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Mulyono M., Patria M.P., Abinawanto., Affandi R., and Heriyansyah F.A., 2016, Growth Aspects of Giant Mantis Shrimp Harpiosquilla Raphidea Fabricius, 1798 Banten Bay Waters, Banten Province International Journal of Marine Science, 6(32): 1-14 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2016.06.0032)


The study aims to assess the distribution of population structure, length-weight relationship, condition factor, growth parameters and exploitation rate of giant mantis shrimp (Harpiosquilla raphidea). This research was conducted in Banten bay waters, Province of Banten, from December 2011 to December 2012 and partially carried out periodically. The length was measured from the tip of the rostrum to the end of telson using a vernier caliper and the weight was measured to the nearest 0.01g using an electronic balance. The result shows in differently in group size distribution and is totally clear between the mantis shrimp which was caught in Banten bay and in Kuala Tungkal, Province of Jambi.


The growth aspect of mantis shrimp has the same relative relations of length and weight between male and female shrimp as a pattern of allometric growth (-). In general, the rate of H.raphidea mantis shrimp growth is almost the same and has not much different from other mantis shrimp of the Stomatopods ordo, but it has a slightly longer life span which is 5.6 years to 6.7 years. The value of growth (K) of female shrimp is higher than the male due to the growth of gonadal and their reproductive organs, but from the condition factor the female shrimps obtain higher scores than the males, it means that the weight is also influenced by the gonads and reproductive organs of the female mantis shrimp. The value growth (L ∞) measured between male and female at the same range of 369.08 mm.

Growth Aspects; Mantis Shrimp; Harpiosquilla raphidea; Banten Bay; Banten Province
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International Journal of Marine Science
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. Mugi Mulyono
. Mufti Petala  Patria
. Abinawanto 
. Ridwan  Affandi
. Firman Agus  Heriyansyah
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