Cold Lugol’s solution as an Alternative of Formaldehyde-base Preservative in Preserving Stomach Content of Shellfish
Tan Soon, Julian Ransangan
International Journal of Marine Science, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 9
Fatemeh Radfar, Houshang Ansari, Mohammad Gerami, Mehdi Dastbaz
International Journal of Marine Science, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 7
Fishers’ Attitude towards Performance of Beach Management Units (BMUs) in Regulating Fishery and Reducing Poverty: Case Study of Two BMUs Lake Victoria, Tanzania
Luomba Onyango
International Journal of Marine Science, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 6
Research Article
Phenotypic Plasticity and Genetic Variation of Two Wild Populations of Green tiger Shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus - De Haan, 1844)
D.H.N. Munasinghe, J.D.M. Senevirathna
International Journal of Marine Science, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 5
First Report on Mass Reproductive Swarming of a Polychaete Worm, Dendronereis aestuarina (Annelida, Nereididae) Southern 1921, from a Freshwater Environment in the South West Coast of India
P.R. Jayachandran, M.P. Prabhakaran, C.V. Asha, Akhilesh Vijay, S. Bijoy Nandan
International Journal of Marine Science, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 3
Nsikak U. Benson, Oladele O. Osibanjo, Francis E. Asuquo, Winifred U. Anake
International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 72
Occurrence of Triaenophorus nodulosus and T. crassus Plerocercosis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Fish Parasilurus triostegus of Al- Hummar Marsh South of Iraq
Salim A.A. Al-Daraji, Majid Bannai, Essa T. Muhammad
International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 69
Majid A.A. Bannai, Salim A.A. Al-Daraji, Essa T. Muhammad
International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 68
Amran Saru
International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 67
Spatial and Temporal Profiling of Macroalgal Groups on Rock Shore Platform: A Case Study from Dwarka
Dimpal Sanghvi, Nandini Ray Chaudhury, B. K. Jain
International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 66