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IJMS_2024 Vol.14 Marine Biology under Climate Change: Challenges, Adaptations, and Future Directions Abstract   PDF
Yi Zhou, Rudi Mai, Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources, South China Sea Biological Research Center, Sanya, 572025, China
IJMS2016, vol.6 Marine Cyanobacterium (Synechocystis salina) as Supplementary Feed for Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Abstract   PDF
Kollimalai Sakthivel, Kandasamy Kathiresan, Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University, Parangipettai – 608 502, Tamil Nadu, India
IJMS_2024 Vol.14 Marine Ecosystem Restoring by High-Complexity Artificial Reefs (HCAR) Abstract   PDF
Fernando Condal, Institut Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, c/Granollers 43, 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain
IJMS 2013, Vol.3 Mass Mortality of Porites Corals on Northern Persian Gulf Reefs due to Sediment-Microbial Interactions Abstract   PDF
Javid Kavousi<sup>1</sup>, 1. Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara 903-0213, Okinawa, Japan<br> 2. Young Researchers Club, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, PO Box 79159-14 1311, Bandar Abbas, Iran , Parviz Tavakoli-Kolour<sup>2</sup>, Abbas Barkhordari<sup>2</sup>, Arezoo Bahrami<sup>2</sup>
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 Meiofaunal Distribution across the Oxygen Minimum Zone of Continental Margin, North East Arabian Sea Abstract   PDF
Z.A. Ansari<sup>1</sup>, Shahin Badesab<sup>1</sup>, R. Singh<sup>1</sup>, Hiroshi Kitazato<sup>2</sup>, 1 National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula Goa 403004, India<br> 2 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Natsushima 2-15, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 Mercury Fractionation in the Sediments of Kongsfjorden, an Arctic Fjord, Svalbard Abstract   PDF
Mahesh Mohan<sup>1</sup>, Chandini P.K.<sup>1</sup>, K.P. Krishnan<sup>2</sup>, Gopikrishana V.G.<sup>1</sup>, Sajinkumar K.S.<sup>3</sup>, Kannan V.M.<sup>1</sup>, 1 School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam-686560, Kerala, India<br> 2 National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Headlad Sada, Goa, India<br> 3 Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
IJMS 2012, Vol.2 Mesoscale Eddies of Arabian Sea: Physical-biological Interactions Abstract   PDF
Sergey Piontkovski<sup>1</sup>, 1. Sultan Qaboos University, CAMS, P.O. 34, Al-Khod 123, Sultanate of Oman<br> 2. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, 3535 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA, Nikolay Nezlin<sup>2</sup>, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 Microbial Quality Assessment of Open Sun and Solar Tent Dried Barbus paludinosus in Lake Chilwa Basin Abstract   PDF
Martin Charles Likongwe<sup>1,2</sup>, 1 Faculty of Food and Human Sciences, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe, Malawi<br> 2 Faculty of Science, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, P.O. Box 280, Zomba, Malawi , Mangani Katundu<sup>2</sup>, Placid Mpeketula<sup>2</sup>, William Kasapila<sup>1</sup>
IJMS_2023 Vol.13 Microplastic Pollution in the Coast of Tarragona, Spain: A Western Mediterranean Study Abstract   PDF   PDF
Fernando Condal<sup>1</sup>, Isabel Pellicer<sup>2</sup>, 1 Rambla Prim Institute (Department of Environment; IRP), C/ de Cristóbal de Moura, 223, 08019 Barcelona, Spain<br> 2 Escola del Treball Institute, C/ del Comte d'Urgell, 187, building 11, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
IJMS 2013, Vol.3 Microzooplankton Grazing Impact on Phytoplankton Blooms in the Coastal Seawater of the Southern Crimea (Black Sea) Abstract   PDF
L.V. Stelmakh, The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2, Nakhimov av., Sevastopol 99011, Crimea, Ukraine
IJMS 2014, Vol.4 Misidentification in fishery: the case of deep-sea pandalid shrimp Plesionika spinipes (Spence Bate, 1888) from Indian waters Abstract
C.P. Rajool Shanis, EV Radhakrishnan, U Ganga, NGK Pillai, 1.Present Address: National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, CMFRI Campus, Cochin-18, India 2.Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, P.B. No. 1603, Cochin–682 018, Kerala, India
IJMS2016, vol.6 Morphological and Molecular Studies of Undescribed Kappaphycus Species Abstract   PDF
V. Y. Thien, W. T. L. Yong, G. J. W. L. Chin, Biotechnology Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
IJMS_2024 Vol.14 Morphological Classification, Species Diversity, and Ecological Functions of Ciliate Communities Abstract   PDF
Qibin Xu, Animal Science Research Center, Cuixi Academy of Biotechnology, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China
IJMS 2014, Vol.4 Morphological Study of the Vertebral Column of the Ponyfish Leiognathus equulus (Family: Leiognathidae) Collected from the Sea of Oman Abstract   PDF
Laith A. Jawad<sup>1</sup>, 1. Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand <br>2. Marine Science and Fisheries Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth, P.O. Box 427, Postal Code 100, Muscat, Oman, L. Al-Hassani<sup>2</sup>
IJMS2016, vol.6 Morphometric and Meristic Characters of Greater Amberjack Seriola dumerili (Pisces: Carangidae) from the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia Abstract   PDF
A. Sley<sup>1</sup>, G. Hajjej<sup>1</sup>, Laith A. Jawad<sup>2</sup>, O. Jarboui<sup>3</sup>, A. Bouain<sup>4</sup>, 1 National Institute of Marine Science and Technologies of Gabes, Tunisia, Avenue Habib Thameur, Gabes, 6000, Tunisia<br>2 Flat Bush, Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand<br>3 National Institute of Marine Science and Technologies of Sfax, Tunisia, Sfax, Tunisia; Box: 1035, Sfax, 3018, Tunisia<br>4 Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia, Box 1171, Sfax, 3000, Tunisia
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 Morphometric and Meristic Characters of Two Cichlids, Coptodon zillii and Oreochromis aureus Collected from Shatt al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq Abstract   PDF
Laith A. Jawad<sup>1</sup>, Fawziah Sh. Habbeb<sup>2</sup>, Mustafa A. Al-Mukhtar<sup>2</sup>, 1 Flat Bush, Manukau, Auckland 2016, New Zealand<br> 2 Department of marine vertebrates, Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
IJMS2016, vol.6 Morphometric, Meristic and Some Biological Aspects of Acropoma japonicum (Gunther, 1859) Recorded from the Indian Waters Abstract   PDF
K.S.N. Reddy, A. Siva, Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai, India, Premchand
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 MSY Estimates of Cephalopod Fishery and Its Bioeconomic Implications in Pakistani Marine Waters Abstract
Muhammad Mohsin<sup>1</sup>, Yongtong Mu<sup>1</sup>, Muhammad Mobeen Shafqat<sup>2</sup>, Aamir Mahmood Memon<sup>1</sup>, 1 College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, P.R China<br>2 School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100000, P.R China
IJMS_2021 Vol.11 Muscular Coloration Diversity and Microsatellite Genetic Differentiation for the Clam Paphia amabilis (Philippi, 1847) Abstract   PDF
Suiteng Wang<sup>1*</sup>, Xingxing Wu<sup>1*</sup>, Feng Yu<sup>1*</sup>, Tingxin Liao<sup>1</sup>, Qiongzhen Li<sup>2</sup>, Bang Luo<sup>2</sup>, Yan Wang<sup>1</sup>, 1 State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, Hainan Aquaculture Breeding Engineering Research Centre, College of Marine Science, Hainan University, Haikou, 570228, Hainan, China<br> 2 Guangxi Academy of Fishery Science, Nanning, 530021, China<br> *These authors contributed equally to this work
IJMS 2014, Vol.4 New Record of Neobythites steatiticus Alcock, 1894 (Actinopterygii: Ophidiidae) from the Marine Waters of Iraq Abstract   PDF
Laith A. Jawad<sup>1</sup>, 1. Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand<br> 2. Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq, Mustafa A. Al-Mukhtar<sup>2</sup>, Abbas J. Al-Faisal<sup>2</sup>, Tariq Hammed<sup>2</sup>
IJMS 2014, Vol.4 New Record of the Keeltail Pomfret, Taractes rubescens (Jordan & Evermann, 1887) (Perciformes: Bramidae) from the Sea of Oman Abstract   PDF   PDF
Laith A. Jawad<sup>1</sup>, 1. Manukau City, Auckland, New Zealand<br> 2. Marine Science and Fisheries centre, Ministry of agriculture and Fisheries, Muscat, Oman, Juma M. Al-Mamry<sup>2</sup>, Haithem K. Al-Busaidi<sup>2</sup>
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 New Records of Crabs: Halimede tyche (Herbst, 1801)(Crustacea: Decapoda) from Iraqi Coast, Iraq Abstract   PDF
Khaled Kh. Al-Khafaji<sup>1</sup>, Falah M. Mutlak<sup>2</sup>, 1 Department of Marine Biology, Marine Science Center, University of Basrah, Iraq<br> 2 Department of Marine invertebrates, Marine Science Center, University of Basrah, Iraq<br> 3 Department of Ecology, Collage of Science, University of Basrah, Iraq , Anfas N. Ukash<sup>3</sup>
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 New Strategy toward Sustainable Livelihoods in Coastal Fisheries-How Japanese Experiences Could Be Applied to Southeast Asia? Abstract   PDF
Achmad Zamroni, Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio Economic, Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Gedung BalitbangKP 1, Komplek Bina Samudera, Jl. Pasir Putih 1 Ancol Timur Jakarta, Indonesia
IJMS 2015, Vol.5 Note on the Genus maretia gray, 1855 and Description of Maretia planulata (Lamarck, 1816) (Echinoidea, Spatangoida), off Thoothukudi Coast of Gulf of Mannar, India (08º 35’ 22.5” N 78º 27’ 40.9 E) – (310 M) Abstract   PDF
T. Vaitheeswaran, Rarbio Energies Private Limited, Department of New Drug Discovery (Marine Division), #311/2, Vellalar Street, Mel Ayanambakkam, Chennai- 600 95, Tamil Nadu, India, T. Rajasekaran, S. Balasubramani
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 Nutritional, Microbial and Sensory Quality of Solar Tent Dried (Samva Nyengo) and Open Sun Dried Copadichromis virginalis-Utaka (Pisces; Cichlidae) Abstract   PDF
James Banda<sup>1</sup>, Mangani Katundu<sup>2</sup>, Levison Chiwaula<sup>2</sup>, Geoffrey Kanyerere<sup>1</sup>, Maxon Ngochera<sup>1</sup>, Kings Kamtambe<sup>1</sup>, 1 Research Officer, Fisheries Research Unit, P.O. Box 27, Monkey Bay, Malawi<br> 2 Chancellor College, P.O Box 280 Zomba, University of Malawi, Malawi
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