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IJMS 2013, Vol.3 Tracking the Response of Phytoplankton following Gyttja Disturbance: a Mesocosm Field Study in Myall Lakes, New South Wales, Australia Abstract   PDF
Nita Rukminasari, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Makassar-90245, South Sulawesi - Indonesia
IJMS 2014, Vol.4 Transcriptome Sequence of Litopenaeus vannamei Based on High-throughput Sequencing Abstract
Xiaohan Chen, Digang Zeng, Xiuli Chen, Daxiang Xie, Yongzhen Zhao, Chunling Yang, Ning Ma, Yongmei Li, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Aquatic Genetic Breeding and Healthy Aquaculture, Guangxi Institute of Fisheries, Nanning, 530021, China
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 Use of the Mediterranean Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 from Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea as Bio-monitor Abstract   PDF
Levent Bat, Elif Arıcı, Aysah Öztekin, Öztekin Yardım, Funda Üstün, Hydrobiology Department, Fisheries Faculty, University of Sinop, Turkey
IJMS2016, vol.6 Using Two Species From Common Aquatic Plants as Bio-indicators of Pollution With Hydrocarbons Compounds in Al-Kahlaa River -Missan Province/ Iraq Abstract   PDF
Salih Hassan Jazza<sup>1</sup>, Hamid.T. Al-Saad<sup>2</sup>, Abdul-Hussain.Y. Al-Adhub<sup>3</sup>, 1 Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Missan, Missan, Iraq<br> 2 Department of Marine Environmental Chemistry, Marine Science Center, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq<br> 3 Department of Biology, College of science, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 Valuation Economy Restoration Program of Mangrove Forest Pasarbanggi Village District of Rembang Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Bimo Agung Krestiono, Aulia Hapsari Juwita, Evi Gravitiani, Mugi Rahardjo, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 Variation of the Fish Community Associated with Soft Bottoms in a Coastal Lagoon on the Pacific Side of B.C.S, México Abstract   PDF
Felipe Muñoz-Felix, Emelio Barjau-González, Abril Karin Romo-Piñera, Juan Manuel Lopez-Vivas, Departamento Académico de Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. CP 23088, La Paz, BCS, México
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 Variation of the Structure of the Intertidal Fish Community of the Pacific Coast of Baja California Sur, México Abstract   PDF
Emelio Barjau-González<sup>1</sup>, Abril Karim Romo-Piñera<sup>1</sup>, Juan Manuel López-Vivas<sup>1</sup>, José Pérez-Castillo<sup>1</sup>, Myrna Barjau-Pérez Milicua<sup>2</sup>, 1 Departamento Académico de Ciencias Marinas y Costeras, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, CP 23080, La Paz, B.C.S., México<br> 2 School of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT. Leeds, UK
IJMS_2018 Vol.8 Vertebral Anomalies in Mullus barbatus (Actinopterygiidae: Osteichthyes: Mullidae), Collected from Izmir Bay, North-eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey Abstract   PDF
Laith A. Jawad<sup>1</sup>, Okan Akyol<sup>2</sup>, 1 Flat Bush, Manukau, Auckland 2016, New Zealand<br> 2 Department of Fishing Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, Urla, Izmir, Turkey
IJMS2016, vol.6 Vertical Turbulent at Thermocline Layer in Makassar Strait Abstract   PDF
Dahlia Prihatini<sup>1</sup>, 1 IPB Graduate School,Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor; Indonesia <br> 2 Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor; Indonesia <br> 3 Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta; Indonesia , Mulia Purba<sup>2</sup>, Yuli Naulita<sup>2</sup>, Adi Purwandana<sup>3</sup>
IJMS2016, vol.6 Sea-level Trends along Freshwater and Seawater Mixing in the Uruguayan Rio de la Plata Estuary and Atlantic Ocean Coast Abstract   PDF
José E. Verocai<sup>1,2</sup>, 1. Grupo de Cambio Ambiental y Gestión Costero-Marina, IECA, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República (UdelaR) and Climate Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation Network (CliVIA-N), Montevideo, Uruguay<br> 2. Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada (SOHMA), Montevideo, Uruguay<br> 3. Instituto Uruguayo de Meteorología (INUMET) and CliVIA-N, Montevideo, Uruguay , Gustavo J. Nagy<sup>1</sup>, Mario Bidegain<sup>3</sup>
IJMS2016, vol.6 Waterbirds as Bio-indicators in Lake Uromia Ecosystem Changes Abstract   PDF
Behrouz Behrouzi-Rad, Dep. of Environment, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
IJMS 2014, Vol.4 Waterbirds Population, Species Diversity and Similarity Fluctuation in Relation to Water Pollution in Miangaran Wetland, South of Iran Abstract   PDF
Behrouz Behrouzi-Rad<sup>1</sup>, 1. Deprtment of the Environment, College of Agricultural and Natural Resource, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch, Ahvaz, Iran</br> 2. Ardeshir Behrouzi-Rad, Dep. of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran , Ardeshir Behrouzi-Rad<sup>2</sup>
IJMS_2020 Vol.10 Whale fall: the Creation of A Unique Marine Ecosystem Abstract
Bess X.Y. Chen<sup>1,2</sup>, 1 Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources, Sanya, 572025, China<br> 2 Hainan Institutes of Biotechnology, Haikou, 570206, China, May H.M. Wang<sup>1,2</sup>
IJMS_2017 Vol.7 Zooplankton of Iraqi Marine Water North West Arabian Gulf Abstract   PDF
Shaker G. Ajeel, Department of Marine Biology, Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Iraq
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